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Copyright © 2003

Page Last Modified 17 Jan. 2012

suny it

Kristina A. Boylan, D. Phil.
Associate Professor of History

Grading Scale

This scale is used to translate letter grades into point values, and vice versa, when calculating your final grade:

letter range midpt
A+ 97-100 98.5
A 94-96 95
A- 90-93 91.5
B+ 87-89 88
B 84-86 85
B- 80-83 81.5
C+ 77-79 78
C 74-76 75
C- 70-73 71.5
D+ 67-69 68
D 65-66 65.5
F 0-64 n/a

Participation Scale

(used some semesters--general principles apply)

Your participation in class discussions will be evaluated using this scale for points towards tour final grade for the semester:

5/excellent/style points = Student often contributes thoughtful comments and insights based on class materials and relevant current events; has been a catalyst for other student comments as well as instructor response; AND listens to the comments and insights of others with respect and attention.

4/good = Student regularly contributes thoughtful comments and insights based on class materials and relevant current events; sometimes results in student as well as instructor response (overall, quality counts more than quantity); AND listens to the comments and insights of others with respect and attention.

3/average = Student sometimes contributes comments and insights based on class materials and relevant current events, more often at instructor's prompting; generally polite but could be more engaged in class discussions.

2/weak = Student seldom contributes comments and insights of her/his own volition; comments not always relevant to materials or discussion at hand; needs to pay more attention to the contributions of the instructor and peers.

1/poor = Student rarely and reluctantly contributes to class discussions; comments minimal and/or disrespectful; often noticeably disinterested in instructor's and peers' contributions.

0/inexcusable = Student never contributes to class discussions and/or has demonstrated frequent disrespectful behavior towards instructor and peers.

Overall, quality counts more than quantity, on both ends!