NOTE: This information was edited by Joel Plotkin from published brochures of the organization and is not their home page. Please contact ASGPP directly for more information



Psychodrama is a therapeutic discipline developed by J.L. Moreno, M.D. The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHODRAMA was founded in April 1942 by Dr. Moreno. The organization publishes THE JOURNAL OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY, PSYCHODRAMA AND SOCIOMETRY. ASGPP was the pioneer membership organization in group psychotherapy and continues to be a source and inspiration for on-going developments in these areas. The Society's purposes include the fostering of national and international cooperation of all who are concerned with the theory and practice of these three areas, promoting the spread and fruitful application of these methods in professional disciplines concerned with the well-being of individuals, groups, families and organizations.

Licensing as a practitioner of psychodrama is regulated by the AMERICAN BOARD OF EXAMINERS IN PSYCHODRAMA, SOCIOMETRY, AND GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY. A rigorously supervised number of training hours is required from Board-certified teaching programs, mostly located in private training institutes, not at graduate schools. Although the term has enjoyed popular usage, please note that only those certified by the Board may refer to themselves as professional psychodramatists.

ASGPP holds an annual CONFERENCE in April of each year.
Activities, lectures, and workshops are presented for all interest levels.

(New address as of Feb. 25, 1997)

American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama
301 N. Harrison St., Suite508
Princeton NJ 08540

Phone: (609)452-1339; Fax (609)936-1659


The 55th Conference was held from Feb. 20-24, 1997 at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza in NYC; it was entitled Where the Action Is: Psychodrama, Expressive Arts and Group Psychotherapy and highlights the widespread use of action methods in various disciplines. Training credit toward certification may be earned by attending sessions of the conference. Among the many topics to be offered in workshop or presentation are:

Introduction to Role Taking Psychodrama and Bioenergetics
Culture, Society and Civility: Group vs. Group Using Playback Theater
Integrating Psychodrama and Art Therapy Interpersonal Trauma
Violence: Psychodramatic and Sociometric Avoidance Nurse's Special Interest Group in Psychodrama
Theater of Compassion Remembering Moreno
The Developing Self and its roles in Functional and Dysfunctional Families Drama of the Victim

For information, contact the ASGPP office in Princeton, NJ or Conference chairs Louise Lipman (Phone 212-947-7111 ext.239) or Nan Nally-Seif (Phone 212-947-7111, ext.267)


Martin Gill in the UK reports that he has completed an Apple Mac Program on hypercard giving a full description and interactive information source on psychodrama and psychodrama warm-ups(including audio clips of Moreno discussing the form!). Mac and PC versions available, as well as a stand alone sociogram program.
A demo version is available through FTP Download (1mb) under package code T177, during the hours 8PM-8AM GMT from the following site:
Contact him
via e-mail.



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