Edmond Rusjan

Associate Professor of Mathematics, SUNY Poly, 2275 Donovan Hall, (315) 792-7394, Office hours: MTWR 4pm

Research: EyeDEC - a first principles model of the blood flow in the eye. Why is it interesting? We want to cure blindness, peek through the eye into the brain, and use our model to prove the power of multiscale models, based on the fundamental laws of physics and the cutting edge geometry and symmetry based techniques in reducing complexity and increasing our understanding.

Courses I've taught recently:
MAT 253 - Calculus III
MAT 280 - Linear Algebra
MAT 335 - Mathematical Modeling
MAT 381 - Modern Algebra
MAT 420 - Complex Variables and Applications
MAT 423 - Vector and Tensor Calculus
MAT 425 - Real Analysis
MAT 450 - Partial Differential Equations

If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer. ( Yogi Berra)